Harlequin & Columbine
Vase – cm. 34 H
High-fire (920°C) lead-free glazing
Each one of my pieces is unique and painted entirely freehand. For the most complex subjects I first make a study sketch on paper, as in the case of this vase. On ceramics, in fact, you cannot “erase” or correct your errors, so when you start painting you must already have the assurance of how each brushstroke should be applied.
When painting a piece, finely ground mineral pigments are used, which crystallize and vitrify in cooking, giving the majolica its characteristic luster. Then, in the firing process, the colors often turn completely… some greens, for example, appear black when raw, and some blues appear pink. Only experience allows one to imagine how the piece will come out once it comes out of the kiln.
The decorating phase
Loading the kiln – The glazes in this phase are still raw and they appear very tenuous